Friday, January 8, 2016

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Clinton Foundation Takes Big From Foreign Governments | Truth Revolt

Clinton Foundation Takes Big From Foreign Governments | Truth Revolt

With regard to the Hillary Clinton email quandary, my
question is why hasn’t any Republican candidate brought up the fact that
Hillary Clinton is guilty of the violation
as stated in the U.S.
Criminal Code 18 U.S.C., section 2071
for the willful and unlawful removal or destruction of records.

The Justice Department, which takes its marching orders
from President Obama
weighed in,
calling the Hillary Clinton email affair "sheer speculation that Clinton
withheld any work-related emails from those provided to the Department of
State” so their opinion is totally worthless and biased and unlawful.

Also, Hillary Clinton met with many contributors to the
Clinton Foundation while serving as the Secretary of State. This is a criminal

the U.S. Criminal Code
18 U.S.C. § 208,
which prohibits an employee from participating personally and substantially, in
an official capacity, in any “particular matter” that would have a direct
and predictable effect on the employee’s financial interests.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cruz turns tables on CNBC for 'cage match' questions

Cruz turns tables on CNBC for 'cage match' questions

“The purpose of journalism is to provide people with
the information they need to be free and self-governing.” From the book
“Elements of Journalism” by Bill Kovack and Tom Rosenstiel.

That principle used to be the foundation of the
journalism profession, the touchstone you reach for when lost in the woods of
confusion and spin.

The media we have now would make Hitler very proud. If
you keep telling lies, eventually, people will believe it.